Dishonored 2 chapter 7 bonecharms
Dishonored 2 chapter 7 bonecharms

dishonored 2 chapter 7 bonecharms

Head down to the first floor of the Conservatory and look for a set of stairs leading down to the basement. Retrieve Breanna Ashworth’s Audiographīefore you can leave there is one more thing you must take care of. It doesn’t count against your Low Chaos rating, either, which is nice. After everything is install, pull the lever on the right to bring Breanna Ashworth’s life to an end. Head back through the Conservatory to the second floor and use the Lenses you found in the office and lab at the Oraculum. Now it is time to take out your target and shorten your list of opposition. Once they turn to walk away, take them out quickly and drag them behind the nearest bookcase to hide their bodies. Use patience in this situation, and make sure to let a couple of the Witches come towards you before you knock them out. Use bookcases in the area for cover so that you can approach closer to the Oraculum.

dishonored 2 chapter 7 bonecharms

The upcoming area is the most difficult portion of this mission, though, as you will have to deal with multiple patrolling Witches. Choke her out carefully and drag her to a cleared area to hide her body. Head down the main hallway and use your Dark Vision to locate another Witch patrolling the room nearby. While you could try to sneak up on the other Witch, who is just sitting on her bed, it is much easier to simply pull out your Crossbow, line up the shot, and take her down with a sleep dart. Pull her body into the lab and hide it, that way she cannot be seen in the hall. When she turns her back to the wall, approach and take her down. The first one to leave moves out into the hallway and away from the room. They’ll still go down really quickly, though. There are two women in the room ahead of you, so listen in on their conversation to learn that they are Witches, with Outsider powers like yours. Since they all look out over the street, you can easily sneak up behind them and take them out very easily.Ĭrouch and enter the laboratory. Look out for a door that leads into the pawnshop, and be wary of the three Guards posted on the rooftop.

dishonored 2 chapter 7 bonecharms

There are Guards that can easily see up here, however, crouching causes your body to be hidden behind the short wall to the side, allowing you to sneak past without being seen. Stick to the upper catwalks above the water and make sure to crouch as you move towards the pawnshop. Head back to the canal from the market, being careful to avoid the howling criminals nearby. We won’t bother with that this time around, however, as it can be quite challenging for those trying to complete the game using stealth and Low Chaos. If you head inside and purchase some items, you can receive an additional mission from the Black Market shopkeeper. You can purchase some items here if you wish, or continue through the mission. Use Shadow Walk to move quickly and quietly without getting their attention, then stick left and watch for a basement entrance that leads down to the Black Market.

Dishonored 2 chapter 7 bonecharms